
Expo – the end of the beginning

Expo – the end of the beginning

Lars Hedegaard, Chief Editor of Dispatch International, looks forward to Expo's impending collapse.
Expo! Sweden's semi-official organization for intelligence gathering, denunciation, propaganda and enforcement evokes fear far beyond the country's borders.
As did the Soviet Union's KGB, Nazi-Germany's Gestapo and the DDR's Stasi.
Once you have been caught in Expo's searchlight because you hold opinions on the joys of multiculturalism and mass immigration other than those sanctioned by the state, you must bid farewell to your previous life. You are now a non-human and must expect to become an outcast from human fellowship, fired from your job, abandoned by family and friends and – as has already happened several times in the Swedish "people's home" – beat up by idealistic "anti-racists" and hospitalized for a long stretch.
Of course Expo's approximately 30 workers and associates do not engage in physical attacks on dissidents from the Swedish state doctrine. They merely denounce the heretics and leave it to others to draw their own conclusions on how to eliminate them.
Since its start in 1995 Expo has benefitted from generous state subsidies in order that it might fulfill its mission, which the organization describes thusly: "The Expo Foundation maps, investigates and informs on right-wing extremist and racist tendencies in society. Our vision is a democratic society where people are not persecuted because of skin color, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or religion."   
Prevalent among the "racist tendencies" that Expo has sought to eliminate are Sovereignty of the People, freedom, democracy, equal rights for men and women and freedom of expression and conscience.
On top of Expo's list of priorities has been the de facto defense of Islamic totalitarianism with its intention to impose sharia law and bondage for the infidels.
Whoever dared question the blessings of the Caliphate ended up on Expo's blacklist.
Up until now Expo has been a monster success. The organization's tentacles reach far into the Swedish schools, whose pupils have for many years been indoctrinated with state-sponsored Islamic propaganda. Expo has also joined hands with the trade unions in order to expose non-conformers in the workplace, who must be fired – so as to spread fear among colleagues who might be tempted to dispute the Prophet's right to rule or harbor misgivings over Sweden's current demographic revolution.
But what do we read at Expo's website on October 12, 2012?
"Anti-Semitic Islamist Party setting up shop in Sweden" goes the headline. The party in question is Hizb ut-Tahrir ("The Freedom Party") and the article refers to its so-called "Caliphate Conference" on October 14.
Expo quite correctly characterizes Hizb ut-Tahrir as an "international Islamist party. Its stated objective is to reinstate the Caliphate and impose a Muslim state where sharia laws permeate all of society. The party opposes democracy, which it considers a Western invention that contravenes Islamic values."
Expo clearly considers this objective a bad idea. Nor does it like the fact that the party's spokesmen are anti-Semites, who intend to cleanse the earth of "filthy Jews".
We may take comfort that Expo has evidently realized what the rest of us have known for a long time, namely that sharia stinks.
Does Expo's new realization mean that the Swedish Stasi will desist from further persecution of sharia opponents? Obviously not.
Expo's recent announcement may be taken as a sign that the organization has decided not to throw good money after bad. Hizb ut-Tahrir is a loose cannon, and serious multiculturalists had better distance themselves from it in order to save their core business – the defense of Islam as the "religion of peace" and mass immigration as an "enrichment".
With its October 12 announcement, however, Expo has withdrawn to positions that cannot be defended.
For there is nothing heretical about Hizb ut-Tahrir's policies. The party deserves praise for not concealing an ideology that fully complies with canonical Islam.
If one reads the Koran, the hadith, biographies of the prophet and authoritative pronouncements by Islamic clerics over 1400 years, one is bound to conclude that Hizb ut-Tahrir is mainstream Islam.
Whereas other Islamic spokesmen cheat, lie and distort, Hizb ut-Tahrir tells it like it is. Respect!
The front lines between freedom and sharia are drawn. Expo has positioned itself in quicksand that will gradually swallow it up.
It will take some time. As Winston Churchill said in the British Parliament in November 1942 after Montgomery's victory over Rommel at El-Alamein: "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
Had he known Expo, he would undoubtedly have said the same about this stain on Western civilization.

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