
The Truth and nothing but

The Truth and nothing but

Let’s take this head on.
It is the ambition of Dispatch International to bring you the news and analyses that you need to make sense of our times, and which are either neglected or played down by the mainstream media. And if any of them happen to surface on occasion, they are rarely put into a meaningful context.
We consider Islam the most dangerous challenge to the Nordic countries and the entire West since the democracies succeeded in crushing Nazism and Fascism and beat back the third totalitarian ideology of the 20th Century, Communism.
That is why we will write a lot about Islam and Muslim immigration. Similarly, the politicians and authorities whose obligation it was to defend democracy and our Western civil liberties, but who chose to close their eyes to Islamization, are going to hear from us.
Dispatch International will be accused of hysteria and of being overly concerned with a problem that most journalists, politicians and experts consider trivial. During the 1930s the same accusation was leveled at the few newspapers that provided systematic coverage of Nazism and Nazi Germany’s aggressive plans. So we are in good company.
We must also expect to be accused of ”Islamophobia” – a mysterious concept that the UN and the OIC (The Organization of Islamic Co-operation) are eagerly working to have accepted as a criminal offense.  They want us to regard the defense of Western freedom, democracy and equality before the law as an illness. Even a self-inflicted illness, because there is nothing dangerous about Islam and therefore nothing to fear.
We do not accept this premise. Islam is dangerous, and has caused untold disasters and suffering wherever it has advanced. Consequently, resistance to this warlord ideology is a sign of health and a simple duty for every freedom-loving and democratic man or woman.
Besides, the noisy agitation against ”Islamophobia” is duplicitous.
Time and again the Koran encourages the believers to spread terror among anyone who refuses to obey Allah’s orders, e.g., in Sura 8.12: “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.”
But when the infidels are actually overcome with the kind of fear (“Islamophobia”) that the Islamic ideologues try to instill, these same holy men demand that infidels make this fear a crime.
Dispatch International refuses to participate in this farce.
In this newspaper we will tell the truth – come what may.

Blue skies over Sweden

Blue skies over Sweden

Many Swedes will be shocked by what we write in Dispatch International. For those who are not neighbors to multiculturalism, whose kids do not attend the worst schools and only read the mainstream media, the old Sweden still exists.
Some of these Swedes will refuse to believe us when we write about the other side of reality, the New Sweden that we who live in Malmö meet close up every single day. Some will become so enraged at what they read that they will turn their anger at us and not at those responsible for the dangerous times we live in. Others will be confirmed in what they have long suspected – that our country is undergoing such massive changes that we have to act before it becomes too late.  The latter group grows by the day. Opinion surveys document that journalists have become the least trusted profession. Just 24% of Swedes believe what they read in the newspapers or is reported by television and radio.
In the editorial rooms they dismiss such surveys. Most journalists despise their readers, who they consider to be stupid and racist. They have assumed the role of educators and decided that it is best not to tell Swedes about the dark side of reality but instead continue singing the praise of multicultural society in every key. The very society they themselves stay well away from.    
Journalists have become the storytellers of our time. Do not believe their fairytales. Reality is worse than you think.
Swedes are nice and naive. Whatever transpires around us – murder, rape, robbery and grievous bodily harm – we look to the sky and hum with Ted Gärdestad that it is innocently blue.
But the undertone in Ted Gärdestad’s magnificent song is that although the sky is innocently blue, danger always lurks – even for those who refuse to acknowledge it.
Glued to a beach
We flew our kites while
time drifted ashore.
We were children that no evil could reach
The sky was so blue
We are living in a time of great upheaval. Either we follow the example of the Danish resistance during the German occupation and fight for our country and culture. Or we bend to those who want to force us to live under their violent and uncompromising ideology.
I’m often asked the question: Why do you do this, Ingrid? Why don’t you just be quiet and nice and conform like the rest of us? Every time I cite Jonathan in Astrid Lindgren’s The Brothers Lionheart. In response to Karl’s despairing question why his big brother Jonathan must leave to fight the dragon Katla, Jonathan replies:
”But there are things you have to do, otherwise you’re not a human being but just a bit of filth.”

Editorial: The debate is open

Editorial: The debate is open

”Western countries get dumber by the day” is the title of professor Helmuth Nyborg’s contribution to this edition of Dispatch International. Hardly an encouraging message from the internationally respected and in some circles stigmatized IQ researcher.
The fact that many European countries have experienced mass immigration from areas with an average IQ far below the norm in, e.g., Denmark cannot help but lowering the average IQ in the host countries. According to professor Nyborg, this is already happening and if the trend continues over the coming decades – as seems reasonable to expect – we are bound to reach a point where our population is no longer smart enough to have a democracy let alone a welfare state.
This is to be sure a novel and radically different perspective on immigration, which has been debated far and wide over the past decades.
For IQ researchers there is hardly anything new or sensational in Helmuth Nyborg’s findings or the conclusions he draws from them, but the discussion has been relegated to scientific journals that are never read by the ordinary citizen. The mainstream media have refused to touch the subject.
To Dispatch International there are two possibilities: Either professor Nyborg’s scientific findings are wrong or misleading, but in that case those who claim to know better should come forward and explain where he is mistaken. Or there is nothing wrong with Helmuth Nyborg’s research, and if that is the case, what would be the argument against giving the ordinary citizen access to it?
It may not be nice if reality is as described by Helmuth Nyborg, but reality doesn’t get any better by being concealed. No matter what, we shall have to live with the consequences.
One may also ask if it is particularly nice or charitable towards our descendants to allow a development that will most likely make life impossible for them – and surely deprive them of the chance to live in a democracy or a welfare state like the one we have today.
Have we the right to make this choice on behalf of our children and grandchildren?
The debate is open. Let it be conducted by means of rational argument.

The day Gudrun Schyman became speechless

The day Gudrun Schyman became speechless

Last week I had a unique experience. I saw the hardcore feminist slugger Gudrun Schyman rendered speechless. And the people who brought about this historic event were Bahareh Andersson, Sara Mohammad and Naser Khader – during a debate on honor violence in Malmö.
The debate was hosted by Humanisterna Syd (Southern Humanists), an organization who has showed anything but humanism on their Facebook group. The members expose anyone who dares point out that that Islamists are far from humane to ridicule and nasty blows below the belt. In the world of the Humanists, the Islamists are apparently the most peaceful, nice guys on earth, and they probably thought that the debaters would agree with Schyman that honor violence does not differ from ordinary Swedish domestic violence.
But two of the toughest women I have ever met were about to give Gudrun “The-patriarchy-is-to-blame-for-everything” Schyman a run for her money. The school nurse Gunilla Larsson and the former Danish politician Naser Khader (of Syrian descent) were also on the panel.
I knew that Iranian born Bahareh Andersson had been annoyed with Gudrun Schyman for a long time because the latter likes to equate honor violence with buse of women among Swedes, and I looked forward to witnessing their duel. And I looked forward to hearing Sara Mohammad from the group “Never forget Pela and Fadime” (two victims of infamous honor killings in Sweden).
Ms Schyman shot her mouth off as per usual: “Everything is due to the patriarchy, men hit women all over the world, and they are governed by the same mechanisms – they want to keep women in check, honor violence is just another expression of patriarchy, all violence occurring in Sweden is Swedish!”
I had a sneaking suspicion that “the humanists” at the meeting would have turned me out into the street if I stood up and explained the facts of intimate partner violence to Schyman, so I didn’t. But the truth is, that while intimate partner violence in the public’s mind pertains only to men beating up women, international research paints a different picture. Several studies by British scholar John Archer at the University of Central Lancashire, show that women resort to violence in relationships just as often as men. Of those attacked by their partners, half are men, 30 percent of those injured are men and 25 percent of those killed are men.
Of this, Gudrun Schyman knows nothing. Or she doesn’t want to know. And she is as ignorant about the structure of honor violence. But when Bahareh Andersson and Sara Mohammad took her to the cleaners and wondered why some 70,000 young people living under honor oppression in Sweden shouldn’t have the same opportunities to choose partners, careers or when they want to lose their virginity as their ethnic Swedish peers, she fell silent. Just look at the picture here on the page!
And there was more to come. Schyman tried pulling the old litany about how horrible Denmark is for implementing the 24-year-rule ten years ago regarding marriage with non-EU citizens. (Both parties must be over the age of 24, and you are required to be able to provide for you partner and deposit a sum of money.) Syrian-born Naser Khader surprised Schyman by embracing the rule.
– The only bad thing about it is that it affects ordinary Danes who fall in love with a person outside the EU, he said. They’re affected by a rule that came about as a means to prevent forced marriages in certain groups.
And when Naser Khader said he was grateful to his high school classmates for telling him off when he spouted out hateful opinions about homosexuals, Schyman went completely quiet.
– They reacted violently against what I said, and for that I thank them. You do immigrants a disservice if you don’t confront their primitive opinions!

Sweden's cause is ours

Sweden's cause is ours

After initiating our protest against the Muslim prayer call in the Swedish municipality of Botkyrka, Dispatch International has been under one attack after another aimed shutting down our website.
Over twelve hours we have been bombarded with more than half a million hits with 11,573 coming from just one site in Romania.
As much as we would love to think that Dispatch International is a megahit in Bucharest, we have to conclude that the Romanian missives do not emanate from well-wishers.
A lot of folks out there don't like us, so we must be doing something right.
Which brings us back to our protest campaign – the most likely cause of the latest onslaught by determined enemies of Western freedom and free speech.
As of this writing, more than 3000 brave individuals have signed the protest against the plans to impose Islamic supremacy in a small municipality in Sweden.
The vast majority of the signatures come from Sweden. An encouraging sign that Swedes are not as docile as their dhimmi rulers and their appeasement media had hoped for.
But why so comparatively few signatures from Denmark, Germany, England, the United States etc.?
Is it because the decent people in these parts are under the illusion that the Botkyrka stunt is an exclusively Swedish problem?
Don't they realize that over the past twenty or thirty years, every Islamic attempt to extract "cultural" concessions from infidel communities, authorities and states has been carefully planned and orchestrated for maximum effect?
We don't yet know who picked Botkyrka as the place of least resistance to the unending jihad for Islamic supremacy, but we can rest assured that somebody planned it that way.
If the Botkyrka "prayer call" – which is in effect a declaration that a barbarian ideology reigns supreme over the neighborhood – is permitted to go ahead, you can be sure that it will soon come to a mosque near you.
So regardless of where you live, please sign our protest.
Sweden's cause is the cause of us all.

Expo – the end of the beginning

Expo – the end of the beginning

Lars Hedegaard, Chief Editor of Dispatch International, looks forward to Expo's impending collapse.
Expo! Sweden's semi-official organization for intelligence gathering, denunciation, propaganda and enforcement evokes fear far beyond the country's borders.
As did the Soviet Union's KGB, Nazi-Germany's Gestapo and the DDR's Stasi.
Once you have been caught in Expo's searchlight because you hold opinions on the joys of multiculturalism and mass immigration other than those sanctioned by the state, you must bid farewell to your previous life. You are now a non-human and must expect to become an outcast from human fellowship, fired from your job, abandoned by family and friends and – as has already happened several times in the Swedish "people's home" – beat up by idealistic "anti-racists" and hospitalized for a long stretch.
Of course Expo's approximately 30 workers and associates do not engage in physical attacks on dissidents from the Swedish state doctrine. They merely denounce the heretics and leave it to others to draw their own conclusions on how to eliminate them.
Since its start in 1995 Expo has benefitted from generous state subsidies in order that it might fulfill its mission, which the organization describes thusly: "The Expo Foundation maps, investigates and informs on right-wing extremist and racist tendencies in society. Our vision is a democratic society where people are not persecuted because of skin color, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or religion."   
Prevalent among the "racist tendencies" that Expo has sought to eliminate are Sovereignty of the People, freedom, democracy, equal rights for men and women and freedom of expression and conscience.
On top of Expo's list of priorities has been the de facto defense of Islamic totalitarianism with its intention to impose sharia law and bondage for the infidels.
Whoever dared question the blessings of the Caliphate ended up on Expo's blacklist.
Up until now Expo has been a monster success. The organization's tentacles reach far into the Swedish schools, whose pupils have for many years been indoctrinated with state-sponsored Islamic propaganda. Expo has also joined hands with the trade unions in order to expose non-conformers in the workplace, who must be fired – so as to spread fear among colleagues who might be tempted to dispute the Prophet's right to rule or harbor misgivings over Sweden's current demographic revolution.
But what do we read at Expo's website on October 12, 2012?
"Anti-Semitic Islamist Party setting up shop in Sweden" goes the headline. The party in question is Hizb ut-Tahrir ("The Freedom Party") and the article refers to its so-called "Caliphate Conference" on October 14.
Expo quite correctly characterizes Hizb ut-Tahrir as an "international Islamist party. Its stated objective is to reinstate the Caliphate and impose a Muslim state where sharia laws permeate all of society. The party opposes democracy, which it considers a Western invention that contravenes Islamic values."
Expo clearly considers this objective a bad idea. Nor does it like the fact that the party's spokesmen are anti-Semites, who intend to cleanse the earth of "filthy Jews".
We may take comfort that Expo has evidently realized what the rest of us have known for a long time, namely that sharia stinks.
Does Expo's new realization mean that the Swedish Stasi will desist from further persecution of sharia opponents? Obviously not.
Expo's recent announcement may be taken as a sign that the organization has decided not to throw good money after bad. Hizb ut-Tahrir is a loose cannon, and serious multiculturalists had better distance themselves from it in order to save their core business – the defense of Islam as the "religion of peace" and mass immigration as an "enrichment".
With its October 12 announcement, however, Expo has withdrawn to positions that cannot be defended.
For there is nothing heretical about Hizb ut-Tahrir's policies. The party deserves praise for not concealing an ideology that fully complies with canonical Islam.
If one reads the Koran, the hadith, biographies of the prophet and authoritative pronouncements by Islamic clerics over 1400 years, one is bound to conclude that Hizb ut-Tahrir is mainstream Islam.
Whereas other Islamic spokesmen cheat, lie and distort, Hizb ut-Tahrir tells it like it is. Respect!
The front lines between freedom and sharia are drawn. Expo has positioned itself in quicksand that will gradually swallow it up.
It will take some time. As Winston Churchill said in the British Parliament in November 1942 after Montgomery's victory over Rommel at El-Alamein: "Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
Had he known Expo, he would undoubtedly have said the same about this stain on Western civilization.

Great Britain – a police state?

Great Britain – a police state?

Tommy Robinson being arrested by British police
A few days ago, The Telegraph was able to reveal that British prisons have started releasing a great number of rapists, sex offenders and violent criminals even before they have served half of their sentence. In 2011, 92 rapists, 176 other sex offenders and 6,990 violent criminals benefited from this benevolent policy. Many of those released carry on their old activities as soon as they are back on the street, which has caused a great deal of dissatisfaction – not least among the victims.
No such softness is on offer for people whom the state identifies as political criminals, i.e., those daring to challenge the policies of mass immigration and multiculturalism imposed by the current and previous governments. As a result of these policies, vast areas in the cities have turned into "no-go" zones, where peaceful citizens had better not enter.
In the case of these enemies of the state, there seems to be ample room in the otherwise crowded prisons.
On October 21, the state caught up with the leader of the English Defence League, Tommy Robinson, whose real name is believed to be Stephen Yaxley-Lennon. He is accused of having used a fake passport when entering the United States in September in order to give a speech at the September 11 SION (Stop the Islamization of Nations) conference in New York.
According to the indictment, he is supposed to have sneaked into country with the intent of committing crimes. He has been jailed for three months and is threatened with extradition to the United States.
The postulated sequence of events appears odd. As anyone who has traveled to the United States can testify, the American immigration authorities take no chances. Passports and visas are carefully scrutinized and all visitors are fingerprinted and photographed. One is asked to state the purpose of the visit: is it business or pleasure, where is one going to stay and for how long, does the visitor have any family in the US, etc.? It is all very thorough.
Now the British (and American?) authorities want us to believe that suddenly, a month and a half after Robinson's trip, they have discovered that he was traveling on a fake passport. If that is the American standard, it will be quite an encouragement to would-be terrorists. 
And what crimes do the authorities imagine that Robinson has intended to commit? Dispatch International's chief editors met Tommy Robinson in New York and listened to his speech at the Millennium Hotel in Manhattan, where he said nothing illegal.
Perhaps the crime is the fact that Robison and his cousin Kevin Carroll – another EDL leader, who also spoke in New York – minced no words in condemning the policies they believe are ruining their country?
The suspicion that the persecution of Tommy Robinson is driven by political considerations is confirmed by the fact that approximately 50 other EDL members, including Kevin Carroll, were apprehended around the time of Robinson's arrest. Even the leader of the British Freedom Party, Paul Weston, was grabbed and driven off in a police car after approaching the Wormwood Scrubs prison to enquire if Tommy Robinson was held there.
The prison authorities refused to give any information with reference to the Data Protection Act.
Kevin Carroll (out on bail) and Paul Weston have been released, as is supposedly the case with the 50 other arrested EDL supporters.
Tommy Robinson, however, can look forward to a lengthy stay behind bars. Long before his arrest, the authorities froze his accounts and consequently he has no money to pay for his defense.
According to information from the British Freedom Party, Robinson is locked up together with a great number of Muslims, who would hardly hesitate to get their number one enemy if given the chance.
If something should happen to Tommy Robinson while he is imprisoned, the British government probably wouldn't mind terribly. It has long ago identified the working-class EDL as public enemy number one.
Is Great Britain – the land that gave us Magna Carta, The Bill of Rights, John Milton, John Stuart Mill, John Locke, Winston Churchill and George Orwell – on its way to becoming a police state? A police state is one where the authorities use their means of coercion to crush their political opponents and strike terror into the hearts of others.
The recent wave of arrests points in that direction.

Welcome to Malmö – City of Hatred

Welcome to Malmö – City of Hatred

Participants in the Swedish Free Press Society's meeting with Geert Wilders in Malmö last Saturday will never forget the hatred. The livid, boundless hatred emanating from the eyes of the so-called demonstrators, who were allowed to surround, intimidate and physically attack those who had come to hear what the reviled Dutch politician had to say.
They were met with chants – "Ingrid (leader of the Swedish Free Press Society and Editor-in-Chief of Dispatch International) is a racist, not a journalist!", "No racists in our streets!" and something about the police protecting "future Breiviks".
The police were there in large numbers, and supported by horses, dogs and a helicopter, but offered little protection. They permitted the self-proclaimed "anti-Fascists" to muscle in on participants, who had to run the gauntlet before they could enter the hall. Unconcerned, the police simply watched while hooligans accosted peaceful citizens, pelted them with eggs and rotten fruit and in some cases beat them. If the storm troopers of Antifa ("Anti-Fascist Action") had been given the chance, they would gladly have killed the objects of their hatred.   
Many people who had signed up for the meeting never made it to the entrance because they – quite understandably – dared not expose themselves to verbal or physical abuse.
Had the police wanted to, they could easily have repelled the boys and girls of violence, and if need be arrested them all for public disorder, threats and violence.
I went up to Ewa-Gun Westford, who was responsible for "police communication", and asked her why the police allowed the troublemakers to throw eggs in the faces of citizens who simply wanted to attend a peaceful and democratic meeting. "We do not allow it," she answered, "but we have to choose our wars."
So here was a war that the police had decided not to fight – thus permitting fanatical hoodlums to fight their war on freedom of speech and assembly.
The police cannot use the excuse that they didn't know about the riot outside Kockums Fritid, the hall where Geert Wilders was to speak. Friday nightDispatch International had come into possession of a recording from the gathering in Malmö where the "anti-Fascists" had planned their tactics on how to prevent the Free Press Society's arrangement from taking place. We had of course given this recording to the police.
Before the Wilders meeting, Ewa-Gun Westford had made no bones about where her sympathies lay. To Swedish television she had explained that Geert Wilders is "a person with very extreme opinions". So there was a hint: People who insist on listening to him do so at their peril.
From what source does Ewa-Gun Westford – and the bellowing rabble – know what Geert Wilders really thinks? Certainly not from the Swedish press that has systematically distorted everything he has ever said.
The hatred in Malmö doesn't arise out of nothing. It takes decades of systematic lies and indoctrination by the media, the politicians, the experts and the Stasi-like organization Expo to whip up the boundless and irrational rage that was put on display that Saturday afternoon. Thus they have succeeded in creating a country where it is considered beyond the pale to even discuss immigration, multiculturalism and Islam and where the foot soldiers of political correctness consequently feel justified in using any means at their disposal. And when the police's own spokeswoman covers their ideological rear, why should they hesitate to take action?
Clearly, the Swedish authorities think they can count on the people's unfailing backing for their bold experiment in social engineering. It will be interesting to see if their assumption holds as one Swedish town after another dissolves into parallel communities and civil order breaks down.
What are they going to do the day when not even Antifa can keep dissatisfaction at bay?