The Immigration-Industrial Complex strikes again
Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt reveals his strategy: Mass immigration is a weapon in a political power struggle intended to ensure the ruling elite eternal control
Sweden's Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt from the right-of center partyModeraterna (The Moderates) has never concealed his loathing of the immigration-critical party Sverigedemokraterna (The Sweden Democrats, SD), which managed to gain access to Parliament after the last election – much to the regret of the country's power elite. At a November 6 meeting at Stockholm University he clarified his criticism of Sweden's third-largest party.
Provoked by the question why he had not confronted the SD, he answered that this is one of the hardest problems to solve. "Once they have entered Parliament, they are difficult to evict," he said.
As reported by the daily Metro, he continued:
"Let us not imagine that we can overcome the Sweden Democrat phenomenon in an open debate. Fundamentally, we have to realize that there are social problems associated with integration and immigration, criminality, globalization and the reorientation of Sweden, which we must solve. We must give people hope that these are problems that can be solved. That is what we are trying to do."
According to Fredrik Reinfeldt, the SD's very existence is "the beginning of the decline that we have already seen in other countries. That's why we must isolate them from influence." As an example he mentioned that shortly after the parliamentary elections in September 2010, his government entered an agreement with the left-leaning Miljöpartiet (The Environmentalist Party) concerning asylum and immigration policies.
"The effect of the SD was that we got a policy going in the opposite direction," Fredrik Reinfeldt told the students at Stockholm University.
And the effect is indeed remarkable. As reported by Dispatch Internationalon August 29, Sweden's immigration authority, Migrationsverket, estimates an influx of 174.500 new immigrants over the next two years – on top of the one million that have entered tiny Sweden over the past decade.
In other words: Unless Swedes stop voting for the Sweden Democrats, the government will punish with a policy "going in the opposite direction", i.e., with more immigration.
How does Fredrik Reinfeldt intend to give Swedes "hope" that the problems associated with "integration, and immigration, criminality, globalization and the reorientation of Sweden" can be solved?
On this he is rather vague. The government is, however, quite explicit when is comes to new initiatives aimed at suppressing those who think that the problems exist.
In a press release dated November 9 – three days after Fredrik Reinfeldt's reflections in Stockholm – Sweden's Labor Department announced new measures to ensure "a more effective work against xenophobia". The announcement comes in the shape of a report (SOU 2012:74) entitled "Xenophobia amongst us". The greatest threat to "exposed groups" in today's Sweden, says the report, "does not come from extremist groups but from "the everyday racism that many people are guilty of".
As noted in the report, "xenophobic parties are represented in a number of European parliaments and even in the Swedish one. The primary target of the negative messages issued by these parties and other xenophobic organizations is persons hailing from countries where Islam is the dominant religion."
The xenophobes are primarily active in "the new media", i.e., the Internet.
Something has to be done and the report's chief author, Bengt Westerberg, proposes that millions be allocated to increase indoctrination in schools. Among other things, Sweden's School Inspection should regularly report on "xenophobia" and other examples of intolerance among the children.
Non-governmental organizations in charge of so-called "antidiscrimination centers" in every county (län) should have at least one jurist on the payroll and be provided with state support for their activities.
The state should also finance a so-called "Quick Response facility" charged with registering what the media report on people with a foreign background. The Research Council on Labor Market and Social Science (FAS) should be tasked with evaluating Swedish research on international migration and ethnic relations and ensure that local councils on crime prevention keep an eye on "hate crimes".
The Reinfeldt government's openly stated intentions put the approximately 10 percent of the population, who have told pollsters that they intend to vote for the Sweden Democrats, in an awkward position: Through their taxes they are forced to pay for a state that will do anything in its power to suppress their opinions and criminalize their worries over the Islamization of their homeland.
Sweden washes its hands of them. They cannot count on the state's protection and are in effect no longer citizens of that state but forced to yield to Sweden's new most-favored population segment consisting of a growing number immigrants from foreign lands and even more alien cultures.
Strangely enough, Fredrik Reinfeldt has so far refrained from formulating the most obvious solution, which would be to ban the Sweden Democrats and put the party's supporters in re-education camps.
Similar measures have been adopted with a fair degree of success in other totalitarian states to which post-democratic Sweden can be compared.
This radical solution to the xenophobia problem would, however, create unemployment among the thousands employed in the one the country's economic growth sectors, i.e., The Immigration-Industrial Complex, and whose task has been to swoop down on everyday racism. If Sweden's everyday racists are locked up in camps, deprived of the right to vote for the party of their choice and barred from access to the media, there will be no need for all these people to keep them in check. A few camp guards will suffice.
Nor is the simple solution without its political risks. If the racists are removed daily life – and immigrants continue to behave as badly as some of them have done so far – who is one going to blame for the crimes and the failure of integration?
Fredrik Reinfeldt deserves our gratitude for having shed light on an issue that has been debated among Islam-critics for some time.
Here is the conundrum: Has the massive immigration which Western governments have driven for decades been motivated by humanism and brotherly love? Or must one conclude that the mass importation of foreigners has been an instrument in a power-political endeavor?
Fredrik Reinfeldt's frank remarks in Stockholm would seem to confirm the latter assumption. They also strengthen the hypothesis that the consequences of mass immigration – ghettoization, crime and social chaos – have not been unintended but the price which the power elite has been willing to let population pay in order to keep themselves in power.
Sweden's Quick Responders will be far from idle. Permit Dispatch International to call their attention to Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt, who on November 6, 2012 stood up at Stockholm University and claimed that immigration was somehow associated with crime.
Can that really be legal?
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