The Truth and nothing but
Let’s take this head on.
It is the ambition of Dispatch International to bring you the news and analyses that you need to make sense of our times, and which are either neglected or played down by the mainstream media. And if any of them happen to surface on occasion, they are rarely put into a meaningful context.
We consider Islam the most dangerous challenge to the Nordic countries and the entire West since the democracies succeeded in crushing Nazism and Fascism and beat back the third totalitarian ideology of the 20th Century, Communism.
That is why we will write a lot about Islam and Muslim immigration. Similarly, the politicians and authorities whose obligation it was to defend democracy and our Western civil liberties, but who chose to close their eyes to Islamization, are going to hear from us.
Dispatch International will be accused of hysteria and of being overly concerned with a problem that most journalists, politicians and experts consider trivial. During the 1930s the same accusation was leveled at the few newspapers that provided systematic coverage of Nazism and Nazi Germany’s aggressive plans. So we are in good company.
We must also expect to be accused of ”Islamophobia” – a mysterious concept that the UN and the OIC (The Organization of Islamic Co-operation) are eagerly working to have accepted as a criminal offense. They want us to regard the defense of Western freedom, democracy and equality before the law as an illness. Even a self-inflicted illness, because there is nothing dangerous about Islam and therefore nothing to fear.
We do not accept this premise. Islam is dangerous, and has caused untold disasters and suffering wherever it has advanced. Consequently, resistance to this warlord ideology is a sign of health and a simple duty for every freedom-loving and democratic man or woman.
Besides, the noisy agitation against ”Islamophobia” is duplicitous.
Time and again the Koran encourages the believers to spread terror among anyone who refuses to obey Allah’s orders, e.g., in Sura 8.12: “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.”
But when the infidels are actually overcome with the kind of fear (“Islamophobia”) that the Islamic ideologues try to instill, these same holy men demand that infidels make this fear a crime.
Dispatch International refuses to participate in this farce.
In this newspaper we will tell the truth – come what may.
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