
Welcome to Malmö – City of Hatred

Welcome to Malmö – City of Hatred

Participants in the Swedish Free Press Society's meeting with Geert Wilders in Malmö last Saturday will never forget the hatred. The livid, boundless hatred emanating from the eyes of the so-called demonstrators, who were allowed to surround, intimidate and physically attack those who had come to hear what the reviled Dutch politician had to say.
They were met with chants – "Ingrid (leader of the Swedish Free Press Society and Editor-in-Chief of Dispatch International) is a racist, not a journalist!", "No racists in our streets!" and something about the police protecting "future Breiviks".
The police were there in large numbers, and supported by horses, dogs and a helicopter, but offered little protection. They permitted the self-proclaimed "anti-Fascists" to muscle in on participants, who had to run the gauntlet before they could enter the hall. Unconcerned, the police simply watched while hooligans accosted peaceful citizens, pelted them with eggs and rotten fruit and in some cases beat them. If the storm troopers of Antifa ("Anti-Fascist Action") had been given the chance, they would gladly have killed the objects of their hatred.   
Many people who had signed up for the meeting never made it to the entrance because they – quite understandably – dared not expose themselves to verbal or physical abuse.
Had the police wanted to, they could easily have repelled the boys and girls of violence, and if need be arrested them all for public disorder, threats and violence.
I went up to Ewa-Gun Westford, who was responsible for "police communication", and asked her why the police allowed the troublemakers to throw eggs in the faces of citizens who simply wanted to attend a peaceful and democratic meeting. "We do not allow it," she answered, "but we have to choose our wars."
So here was a war that the police had decided not to fight – thus permitting fanatical hoodlums to fight their war on freedom of speech and assembly.
The police cannot use the excuse that they didn't know about the riot outside Kockums Fritid, the hall where Geert Wilders was to speak. Friday nightDispatch International had come into possession of a recording from the gathering in Malmö where the "anti-Fascists" had planned their tactics on how to prevent the Free Press Society's arrangement from taking place. We had of course given this recording to the police.
Before the Wilders meeting, Ewa-Gun Westford had made no bones about where her sympathies lay. To Swedish television she had explained that Geert Wilders is "a person with very extreme opinions". So there was a hint: People who insist on listening to him do so at their peril.
From what source does Ewa-Gun Westford – and the bellowing rabble – know what Geert Wilders really thinks? Certainly not from the Swedish press that has systematically distorted everything he has ever said.
The hatred in Malmö doesn't arise out of nothing. It takes decades of systematic lies and indoctrination by the media, the politicians, the experts and the Stasi-like organization Expo to whip up the boundless and irrational rage that was put on display that Saturday afternoon. Thus they have succeeded in creating a country where it is considered beyond the pale to even discuss immigration, multiculturalism and Islam and where the foot soldiers of political correctness consequently feel justified in using any means at their disposal. And when the police's own spokeswoman covers their ideological rear, why should they hesitate to take action?
Clearly, the Swedish authorities think they can count on the people's unfailing backing for their bold experiment in social engineering. It will be interesting to see if their assumption holds as one Swedish town after another dissolves into parallel communities and civil order breaks down.
What are they going to do the day when not even Antifa can keep dissatisfaction at bay?

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